Application: Hydrodynamic high-frequency pulse perforator (HHPP) KROT-CT is intended for well drilling intensification not depending of well depth and soil hardness. The HHPP use makes possible to increase drill speed up to 62% and the drill instrument (drill bit) durability up to 37%.

The operating principle of the hydrodynamic high-frequency impulse perforator can be described as follows: drill mud, supplied by pump, goes through HHPP, which transforms liquid flow into a stream pulsating in axial direction and creates vibration accelerations and considerable pressure oscillations on drill bit footpad. The area of breakaway cavitation is located inside of flow and do not damage HHPP and drill bit. The frequencies of vibration accelerations and pressure oscillations are in considerable dependence on stream velocity in HHPP and lay in limits from 1000 up to 20000 Hz. The perforator operates simultaneously on three base frequencies (peaks). Thus, the conditions are created for considerable increase of the drilling process productivity (up to 30–40% in comparison with conventional methods), and improve drilling tool ware resistance.
The perforator construction allows to regulate frequency range pursuant to requirements of drilling and to construct hydrodynamic high-frequency perforator for any well diameters from 70 mm and more.
The perforator uses for its work the energy of drill fluid stream and as a result does not require the connection of any other additional equipment. It is installed as an over-bit instrument. The material of the perforator is high-strength alloyed steel with anti-corrosion coating.


Brief economical justification of HHPP KROT-CT usage:

The average cost of well drilling with 3000 meters depth by classical method without HHPP can amount 3000000 USD.
HHPP implementation during well drilling can offer 25 до 45% costs economy:

  • Increasing of drilling tool wear resistance with consequent reducing of expensive and labor-intensive works of drilling bit replacement;
  • Increasing the drilling speed.